WalkSteady Ltd United Kingdom

WalkSteady’s objective is to provide an inexpensive sensor controlled braking system for rollators, suitable for installation on existing and new models. The WalkSteady system incorporates both balance and attitude sensing, and provides an effective braking system which is normally ON. This will minimise falls, improve rehabilitation by promoting upright balanced walking, and make users more independent and confident both inside and outside their homes.  

WalkSteady has already been granted a UK Trademark (no. 2448173), covering use of the brand across all wheeled vehicles. This is in anticipation of a possible product extension to manual wheelchairs, where there is also a pressing need for a cost-effective solution: carers are often of similar age to the user, and may have their own health problems, yet have to manage a wheelchair on a slope, which is difficult for the fittest of people. 

Seller Business Category
Miss Rosie Pocock
Miss Rosie Pocock

Welbeing (Wealden and Eastbourne Lifeline) United Kingdom

A leading provider of telecare and assistive technology solutions

Welbeing is a one of the fastest growing telecare organisations in the UK providing telecare and telehealth services to organisations who deliver care and support to vulnerable people.

We offer high quality, fully integrated managed services including monitoring and installation, which are strictly audited by the Telecare Services Association and work closely with our clients to develop innovative, cost effective solutions to meet their specific requirements.

Seller Business Category
Ms Alex Page
Ms Alex Page
Business Development Manager 

Whzan United Kingdom

Let the latest in technology provide you with the market leading cost advantage in telehealth. Whzan is the most budget-friendly telehealth service on the market. No more installation bottle-necks, patients can walk out of the surgery with the Whzan health monitoring service literally under their arm.

Whzan Telehealth can be used for monitoring many well-known chronic conditions as well as short term patient groups, such as post-operative patients and pregnant mothers-to-be. 

Using Android Smartphone technology, Whzan is a completely portable service. Features include help videos, well-being questionnaires, GPS tracking, no installation fees, communication with existing medical devices, audible & visual patient reminders and alerts, multi-language selection, viewable graph for historical trends.

Keith Chessell - Whzan CEO

Seller Business Category
Mr Keith  Chessell
Mr Keith Chessell